Improv Training is an Experience
Improvisation introduces participants to a set of revolutionary ideas about how to work more efficiently and have fun doing it - and gives them opportunities to really experience those ideas in action.
On the fence about whether your team will enjoy the improv experience? Check out one of our recent trainings with a top Austin company!
Our trainings can be done on site at your place of work, or anywhere else you might want a professional development workshop! We also hold events at our theater in the heart of downtown.
Contact us today and we'll be in touch within 24 hours!
Who is using improv training?
Click below & see.
Championship Winning
Premier business schools
Scientists &
Entrepreneurs & Startups
Improv Training is revolutionary
These innovative ideas are at the heart of success in the workplace.
say Yes:
Trust & Team building
Opening up dialogue for collaboration and communication is what a YES attitude brings to the table. People will feel appreciated, contribute more freely, and ultimately be inclined to return the favor. Make affirmation and teamwork your first instinct, and the result is unexpected efficiency and surprisingly compelling results.

Listen Fully:
Give & Take Feedback Playfully
Feedback can often feel like criticism. Improv requires you to really tune in to what your colleagues are saying and can help you generate playful habits that make feedback easier to take to heart. Ultimately this leads to a more effective workplace, where people appreciate both the end product and the process of working with each other.

Celebrate Risks:
produce innovation
The unknown is scary, but inevitable. Change your relationship with risk from fear and loathing to celebration and excitement. Your successes will be sweeter and more frequent, and your failures will be valuable proof that you’re putting yourself out there.